Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Philly Game Jam Podcast

In June, I was asked by the IGDA Philly to judge their Philly Game Jam (Analog Games) at the Too Many Games Expo in Oaks, PA. I've been a small part of a few of the recent local game jams and always had a blast, so I jumped at the opportunity. To round out the judges panel, I recruited Unpub/Cartrunk Entertainment's John Moller, and TC Petty III, designer of Dice Hate Me Games upcoming release Viva Java.

The entire event was recorded for a new podcast called Player 3 by Patrick Holleman, which you can listen to using the player above. Patrick takes you through the whole Game Jam (which had both digital and analog competitions) with interviews and audio from everyone involved. The second part of the podcast features an interview with the team behind the board game / game jam success story, Velociraptor Cannibalism.

Below you can see Patrick catching up with us as we were trying to determine who would be the winner of the competition. It was close.

Although it looks intense (and it was for a little while), we had a great time judging the games. The Game Jam required all of the games to be designed within 24 hours and around the central theme. For the second time in a row, the theme was an image. Here it is:

A very cool image with tons of potential. The teams each took a different approach and in the end it was Installation 42, a post apocalyptic deck-building game that took the top prize. For me, it was the interesting board layout / card selection mechanic that made it stand out. You could only choose from your row / column of cards, but the cards could be bumped, changing yours and your opponents possibilities each round.

Here are the winners, Wacky Weasel Weekend.

And here are a few more images from the event.

Next years event is unfortunately the same weekend as Origins, so I will most likely miss out. Hope to still be involved in the background though.


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